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I Learned Muscle Up Jump On The Bar At Miami Beach (Cops Called)

Posted by Allison Chin on


Chris Heria takes things back to the beach-- Miami Beach, that is. This week's vlog carries some nostalgic notes as this is where Chris first started his calisthenics journey nearly a decade ago. 

Watch how Chris warms up, familiarizes his body with core movements, and runs through his progressions, to once again perform his muscle-up to jump on the bar progression. The warm-up progression includes straight bar dips, superman straight bar dips, tucked superman dip, explosive tucked superman dips, and tap feet on bar movements. 

Whenever taking on a challenge, a step-wise approach is always warranted. Legitimate accomplishments take time and effort. Therefore, they will not and cannot seamlessly happen overnight. Dedication is a must and by keeping your mind, soul, and body connected, you can achieve anything. Stay tuned on the Heria Pro App and make sure to check out the Heria shop as we have just released the Summer 2021 sale!




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