Burpees LVL 1-10 (How To Progress Faster)

Allison Chin

Welcome back to another Chris Heria vlog. This week, Chris shows you how to make the most out of one, classic exercise by examining different progressions in order to optimize its use in your workout!

The Burpee. Most individuals have a love-hate relationship with this exercise-- for good reason, too. It leaves you with both an overwhelming amount of fatigue, but also gains. It is an aerobic and strength training move that is often incorporated into many workout routines. However, in this video, Chris shows you how you can change it up and try out different variations to add a challenge to your routine. 

By incorporating burpees into your own workout routine, you have the ability to not only improve your athleticism, endurance and strength, but also burn fat! Aka you won't just talk the talk, but you will walk the walk by not only looking strong but by being strong. Once you've conquered your burpee progressions at a level of performance that you are comfortable with, you'll have the ability to engage almost every single muscle with just one swift movement-- talk about efficient. However, it's important to remember that you know your body. So, make sure to find comfort in your movement, and when you are leveling up, implement due diligence and do so cautiously with a plan that is right for you! Keep watching to see how Chris advances in his progressions, and make sure to check out more training videos on the Heria Pro App for optimum gains!




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