Allison Chin
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Welcome to another Chris Heria vlog. This week is very special because this week's content illustrates how Chris incorporates his technique into his training routine.

This includes the play- by- play on the timing of his workouts and meals, as well as his process behind the creation of his workout programs for the Heria Pro App. He documents the actual workouts he executes every single day for a set period of time and then creates an intermediate version and beginner version that includes variations which can easily be accessed on his Heria Pro App.

This vlog specifically centers around leg day and begins with a warm- up that consists of an abdominal circuit. However, because the content found within the app is both diverse and boundless, if you are aiming to target any other area you can be sure to find it here. Continue to stay in the loop and continue to stay powerful by challenging yourself through the Heria Pro App!



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