Chris Heria VS PRO Arm Wrestling GRANDPA

Corinne Chen
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Chris continues to challenge himself as we enter the second month of the new year.  This time, it is arm wrestling, which is more universal than we think - who among us at some point in life haven't arm wrestling someone to settle a score or to determine who is stronger?  Even children arm wrestle each other, testing their strength and declaring a winner!

In the sport of arm wrestling, there is a league for like-minded peoples who compete at a professional level to be at the top of their game.  Chris meets up with You Tuber Brandon William and together they set out for San Diego to link up with Allen Fisher, world renowned arm-wrestling champion.  At almost 67 years old, he is still in great form and can outmaneuver guys with his unique strategies and training principles - and his pure strength!

So, the question we have to ask is, what makes a person become THE best at this sport?  For Allen, it is his dedication to a sport he enjoys, the commitment to maintaining himself in top shape by diet and exercise, mastering the fundamentals and train the muscle groups needed for that sport, and last, but not least, staying mentally and emotionally strong.  Follow along as Allen shares some tips and run Chris through some tests to see his fitness level and where his strengths are. Truly an inspirational video to motivate you if you wanted to try something new!







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That was super instructive! And super motivating to see someone like Allen, 67!!, in that physical shape! Maybe it’s not too late for me either… ✌️

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