Do These 5 Push Up Variations For Insane Strength & Muscle

Corinne Chen


In this video Chris demonstrates 5 push up variations for building strength and muscle in the upper chest and shoulders.  It is a great workout for strengthening the lower back and core without using weights and equipment because push ups utilize your body weight as resistance.

As a side note, the Finger Tip Push up is a great way to level up your push ups because you get all the benefits from a standard push up plus, you’re building strength in your wrist, your grip and your fingers.  By developing strength in your wrist and grip, you will be able to lift heavier weights and hang on longer so that you can continue to build muscle and strength throughout your body. Check out Chris Heria Vlog ‘Develop Insane Grip Strength – Forearm Workout for more.

Follow along as Chris breaks down each variation and remember that with each exercise there is fitness level to match your skill.  If you haven’t already, download the Heria Pro App in the App Store or the Google play store, open up to the YouTube Workouts Library, find the routine and get started.


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