Corinne Chen


 Almost five months into the year and Chris is still smashing it – challenging himself to expand his mental and physical abilities. How well can he incorporate breakdancing into calisthenics? While there are some similarities between calisthenics and break dancing, for instance, both include handstands, use body weight to carry themselves, and those engaged in either of them tend to be physically fit; there are some differences. Break dancing borrows moves from a variety of sources, including martial arts and gymnastics; and it is choreographed to music that has a particular rhythm and sound produced by mixing sounds from records to produce a continuous dance beat.

He’s back in Las Vegas for a session with Amer Rizvić @AMERWGZ, who is a break-dancer for the Cirque du Soleil Michael Jackson One show, at Mandalay Bay. First, a very informative tour of the place with Anna McGuire, Communications Specialist, and they are ready to get started! The plan is to teach Chris how to do some basic footwork, top rock and a couple of freezes.  Add some music to the mix and it is literally art in motion! Can Chris make it as a b-boy? Check out the video to find out!


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