5 Training Tips I Wish I Knew

Allison Chin
5 Training Tips I Wish I Knew 5 Training Tips I Wish I Knew


Ever think back and wish someone would've guided you or given you advice in the past? Whether it be regarding relationships, work, school, cooking, etc. 

Well, Chris Heria is here for you, and he wants to share some tips and tricks that he wishes he had known when he first started training-- your very own virtual mentor-ship in a sense. 

Check out his latest vlog where he goes over simple strategies to get faster and better results with each and every training day. Chris breaks it down to the biological, basic, building blocks of muscle: amino acids. He goes over informative nutrition facts, including the do's and don'ts of protein supplements, and the method to increase training efficacy in order to properly fuel muscle growth. 

Once you watch this however, the rest is up to you. You must apply the knowledge learned and put it into practice. The main takeaway is that you, yourself will have to dedicate time and energy while also staying committed to your goals, and the rest should follow suit. Knowledge truly is power, so make sure to stay informed and up to date by downloading the Heria Pro App to get the latest content by Chris without missing a beat. 



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